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  1. Coping Strategies for Shift Work Disorder

    People with shift work disorder struggle to get enough sleep and stay alert on the job. Our guide includes expert tips for coping with shift work...

  2. How Is Sleep Quality Calculated?

    Unsure if you’re getting good sleep at night? Learn how to calculate your sleep quality so you can get the most out of your eight...

  3. Sleep, Athletic Performance, and Recovery

    Time for recovery, rest, & sleep is an integral part of reaching peak athletic performance. Learn how sleep can help athletes in this...

  4. COPD and Difficulty Breathing

    Patients with COPD commonly experience difficulty breathing at night and lost sleep. A co-occurring sleep-related breathing disorder may make matters...

  5. How Much Sleep Do Student Athletes Need?

    Sleep is a core component of recovery and repair for student athletes. Learn how much sleep student athletes need and how to improve sleep if you're an...

  6. Narcolepsy Treatment

    Can narcolepsy be cured? Can its symptoms be improved? Learn about the different types of treatment for narcolepsy and their benefits and...

  7. Narcolepsy: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

    Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that involves severe daytime sleepiness. Learn about the types of narcolepsy as well as the symptoms, causes, and...

  8. Narcolepsy Symptoms

    Our guide to the symptoms of narcolepsy explores the causes and impact of each symptom of this complex, chronic sleep...

  9. Grief and Its Effect on Sleep

    Poor sleep is common to the grieving process, and may even be a risk factor for complicated grief. Learn how grief affects sleep, and how therapy can...

  10. Coronasomnia: Definition, Symptoms, and Solutions

    Can’t sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic? You’re not alone. Learn more about coronasomnia, its symptoms, and what causes it. Plus, get tips for sleeping...