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  1. Sleep Satisfaction and Energy Levels

    Sleep satisfaction and energy levels are closely linked. In this guide, learn how sleep patterns can help you keep your energy high during the...

  2. Caffeine and Sleep

    Drinking caffeine too close to bedtime can keep you awake. Learn why this happens and what other effects caffeine may be having on your...

  3. Non-24-Hour Sleep Wake Disorder

    Learn about the causes of non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder and who is most likely to suffer from this rare...

  4. Tips for Sleeping During the Day

    Do you have trouble sleeping during the day? Our guide explains how to fall asleep in the day and get enough rest for the night...

  5. What Causes Insomnia?

    Trying to find out why you have sleeping problems? Learn about the general causes of insomnia and how it can arise in the elderly, teens, and pregnant...

  6. Diagnosing Insomnia

    Interested in getting an insomnia diagnosis? Our guide covers how to diagnose insomnia, common risk factors, sleep studies, and other...

  7. Treatments for Insomnia

    Want to learn more about how to treat insomnia? Our insomnia treatment guide covers medications, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, and...

  8. Best Travel Pillows

    Traveling can be refreshing, but it can also be hard on your neck. Finding the best travel pillow can help support your alignment during your...

  9. Tips for Shift Workers

    Shift workers often find it challenging to balance sleep and activities with their varying shifts. Learn how to combat...

  10. Shift Work Disorder in the Workplace

    Do you manage employees who work a shift work schedule? Read our guide to learn about the needs of shift workers and how to avoid sleep at the...