Night Eating Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Night eating syndrome is an eating disorder associated with fragmented sleep. Night eating syndrome causes people to wake up during the night to eat, and can lead to poor sleep quality and a number of chronic health conditions, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. We discuss the causes and effects of night eating syndrome, as well as actionable ways to manage symptoms of the condition.
What Is Night Eating Syndrome?
Night eating syndrome describes a condition in which a person eats a large proportion of their daily food intake at night , either after dinner or during nighttime awakenings. Researchers estimate that approximately 1.5% of people have night eating syndrome. The condition involves symptoms found in some mood, sleep, and other eating disorders, but is its own unique condition. Night eating syndrome has a prevalence of 6% to 16% in people with obesity, although it is difficult to say whether one condition causes the other. Night eating syndrome is also more common in people with depression or other psychiatric disorders.
Symptoms of Night Eating Syndrome
Possible symptoms of night eating syndrome include:
- Habitually eating at least 25% of daily calories after dinner
- Waking up during the night to eat at least twice a week
- Being consciously aware of night eating episodes, and able to recall them afterward
- Skipping breakfast or feeling reluctance to eat in the morning, at least four times per week
- Cravings for food after dinner or during the night
- Trouble falling or staying asleep at least four nights per week
- A belief that eating is necessary to fall asleep
- Depressed mood, particularly at night
- Experiencing distress or negative effects on daily functioning due to night eating episodes
Risks of Night Eating Syndrome
Night eating syndrome may affect body weight and sleep quality. Although research is limited, studies suggest people with night eating syndrome may experience poor sleep quality due to waking up during the night to eat. They may also obtain less sleep overall , or they may sleep in later or go to bed earlier to compensate for the time spent awake at night.
Obesity and night eating syndrome are linked, although not all people with night eating syndrome have excess weight. Researchers have found that eating for emotional reasons may make it more likely for a person with night eating syndrome to have excess weight. However, it is unclear whether night eating syndrome contributes to obesity.

What Causes Night Eating Syndrome?
Experts believe night eating syndrome may arise when the body’s internal clock does not synchronize sleep and meal patterns with one another. Usually, fluctuating levels of appetite-related hormones allow people to sleep through the night without feeling the need to eat. However, those with night eating syndrome may experience changes to hormones, such as melatonin, leptin, ghrelin, and cortisol, which regulate sleep, hunger, and stress.
A recent study found that evening people , or those who naturally prefer to sleep and wake up later, were more likely to have night eating syndrome. Other studies have found that people with night eating syndrome have a delayed release of melatonin , a sleep-promoting hormone. It is unclear whether the condition is evidence of a general delay in the body clock, or if eating at night may act as a cue to push the body clock later .
Night eating syndrome does not appear to occur more in those of certain genders, ages, or socioeconomic statuses . However, it more commonly occurs in people with:
- Other eating disorders, such as binge eating disorder or bulimia
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Low self-esteem
- Psychiatric disorders or antipsychotic drug use
- Smoking habits
- Type 2 diabetes
- Sleep apnea
- Restless legs syndrome
Studies have found that depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) have a particularly strong association with night eating syndrome. Night eating symptoms may also be more intense during times of elevated stress .
Is Night Eating Syndrome Genetic?
Some researchers believe night eating syndrome may have genetic roots. For people who are genetically predisposed, stress may trigger low serotonin levels, causing a domino effect that alters the internal body clock and interferes with feelings of fullness.
Some case studies and surveys have found that night eating syndrome could run in families, and researchers are starting to identify specific genes that could be involved.
How Is Night Eating Syndrome Diagnosed?
The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) is one of the most widely used tools to diagnose night eating syndrome. The NEQ contains a series of questions designed to assess if a person’s feelings and behaviors are consistent with night eating syndrome. Questions revolve around six general topics: morning hunger, breakfast timing, percentage of calories eaten after dinner, trouble falling asleep, nighttime awakenings, and nocturnal eating episodes.
Another method that can be used to diagnose night eating syndrome is the Night Eating Symptom History and Inventory (NESHI), conducted through a structured interview with a health care professional. Physicians may use another questionnaire, the Night Eating Symptom Scale, to measure progress for someone who already has a diagnosis of night eating syndrome. A diagnosis of night eating syndrome does not require that a person’s body weight be lower or higher than average.
Night Eating Syndrome vs. Binge Eating Disorder
Studies suggest that people with binge eating disorder are more likely than those with night eating syndrome to be worried about eating, weight, or body shape, as well as to binge eat with a loss of control. By contrast, people with night eating syndrome tend to eat average or small portion sizes at night. While both disorders are connected to depression, depression and emotional eating seem to play a stronger role in binge eating disorder.
Night Eating Syndrome vs. Sleep-Related Eating Disorder
On the surface, night eating syndrome may look similar to sleep-related eating disorder, which also involves eating large quantities of food at night. However, someone with sleep-related eating disorder is not fully awake and does not remember these eating episodes, whereas someone with night eating syndrome is fully aware while they are eating and able to recall the episode afterward.
Treatments for Night Eating Syndrome
Experts are still determining the best treatment for night eating syndrome, but evidence suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy in combination with medication may be effective. Most research on medication has focused on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for night eating syndrome focuses on unlearning the belief that a person must eat to fall asleep. While working with a therapist, a person might record their thoughts and expectations, then test the validity of these thoughts by observing what happens if they do not eat before sleep.
Therapy may also include adapting to eating a higher proportion of food earlier in the day. A therapist may also suggest keeping a sleep and food diary in order to structure overall food intake and improve sleep habits. It might help to get rid of snackable foods in the kitchen and bedroom, put motivational signs on the fridge, or establish rewards for goals achieved. In addition to addressing night eating, a health care professional may also provide guidance on incorporating physical activity and productive sleep hygiene habits, such as setting a regular bedtime.
Bright Light Therapy
Researchers have studied morning bright light therapy and found that it helps to improve mood, insomnia, and night eating symptoms, potentially by increasing serotonin levels. If a person with night eating syndrome also has a disorder such as depression, doctors may address this before starting alternative treatments for night eating syndrome.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation works by gradually moving through the body and tensing one muscle group at a time, then releasing it before moving to the next area of the body. This technique is often used to combat stress and anxiety. Preliminary evidence suggests that progressive muscle relaxation for people with night eating syndrome may help shift appetite to the morning hours and reduce negative feelings such as depression and anxiety.
When to Talk to Your Doctor
Occasionally eating at night may not be a cause for concern on its own, but you should schedule a visit with your doctor if concerns about food intake or meal patterns are interfering with your health or quality of life.
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