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  1. Napping: Benefits and Tips

    Naps are a common practice around the world to restore energy during the day. Learn about the benefits of napping and tips for getting a good daytime snooze....

  2. When Should Kids Stop Napping?

    Naptime is often an essential part of keeping infants and toddlers happy and rested. But at what age should kids stop taking naps? Learn in this...

  3. Who’s Napping, How Long, and What Does It Mean for Our Health?

    More than 80% of U.S. adults nap. Are we doing it right? Experts weigh in on napping benefits, the optimal nap time, and the best nap length....

  4. Does Napping Impact Your Sleep at Night?

    Napping can improve alertness, mood, and mental performance, but in some cases, it negatively impacts nighttime sleep. Learn tips for napping without regret....

  5. Should I Nap Right After My Workout?

    Feeling sleepy after your workout? Learn about the links between naps, exercise, and sleep and consider the pros and cons of taking a nap after...

  6. Why Do Naps Make Me Feel Sick?

    After napping, do you wake up nauseous, sluggish, or out of sorts? Find out why naps could make you feel sick and how to get the most out of your...

  7. How Long Should a 2-Year-Old Nap?

    Many parents and caregivers wonder how long their 2-year-old should be napping. Learn about toddler sleep habits and how to help them get the rest they need....

  8. What Is a Siesta?

    Considering an afternoon nap? Learn more about the origins and benefits of the siesta, and how to add one to your...

  9. Coffee Nap

    Are you tired of feeling sluggish in the mid-afternoon? A coffee nap after lunch might do the trick. Learn more about coffee naps and why they...

  10. How Much Sleep Do Babies and Kids Need?

    Sleep is vital to the development of children of all ages. Learn about how much sleep they need and how to ensure they are sleeping well....