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  1. Hypnic Jerks: Why You Twitch In Your Sleep

    Hypnic jerks are sudden, involuntary muscle movements you may experience as you are falling asleep. Learn what may cause them and how to prevent...

  2. Sleep in the Military

    Around 76% of military personnel sleep less than 7 hours per night. Learn about the military’s stance on sleep and how sleep deprivation affects the...

  3. How Many Hours a Day Do Dogs Sleep?

    Wondering how much sleep dogs need? Learn more about how dogs sleep, different sleep disorders, and how to help your dog get the rest they...

  4. Sleepless Nights: How to Function on No Sleep

    Sleep deprivation can majorly impact your ability to function. Try these tips to get through the day after a sleepless...

  5. Polyphasic Sleep: Benefits and Risks

    Will altering your sleep schedule leave you feeling rested and more productive? We take a closer look at polyphasic sleep...

  6. Sleep Inertia: How to Combat Morning Grogginess

    Do you wake up feeling groggy despite sleeping enough? Sleep inertia may be to blame. We highlight symptoms, causes, and potential...

  7. How To Train Yourself To Go To Sleep Earlier

    Whether you want more sleep or just want to change your nighttime routine, learn tips and tricks for how to go to bed and fall asleep...

  8. Sleep Spindles

    Sleep spindles are a pattern of brain waves that occur during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Learn how they influence health and...

  9. Microsleep: What Is It, What Causes It, and Is It Safe?

    Microsleep is a phenomenon in which a person falls asleep for 15 seconds or less. Learn about the symptoms, risks, and treatments for...

  10. Waking Up At 4am Every Day? Here’s Why

    Is waking up at the same time each night normal? Learn more about potential reasons you might wake up each night at the same...