How to Fall Asleep (And Stay Asleep)

woman sleeping overhead view

Updated April 15, 2024

5 Ways to Get More REM Sleep

REM sleep is important for learning, memory, and creativity. Learn how much REM sleep you should be getting and how to get more REM sleep if you’re going short.

Woman sleeping in bed

Updated April 3, 2024

Healthy Sleep Tips For Women of All Ages

Improving sleep habits and your sleep environment may be more conducive to consistent and restorative sleep when you need it most.

Take Charge of Your Sleep and Mental Health

A depressed woman sits on the floor in a bedroom with her knees pulled to her chest

Updated May 14, 2024

Depression and Sleep

Understanding the link between sleep and depression can help improve your sleep quality and better manage your mental health.

Dementia and Sleep

Elderly couple at table working on a puzzle

Updated May 6, 2024

Dementia and Sleep

Many individuals with dementia struggle with sleep concerns. Learn about how dementia affects sleep and steps to improve sleep in people with this condition.

Somniphobia: Understanding the Fear of Sleep

A man with Somniphobia sittting on edge of bed

Updated May 3, 2024

Somniphobia: Understanding the Fear of Sleep

Afraid of falling asleep? You may have somniphobia. Learn the signs, symptoms, and how to address bedtime anxiety.

Explore How to Improve Mental Health and Sleep Explore How to Improve Mental Health and Sleep

How to Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

Clock on bed

Updated September 19, 2024

Daylight Saving Time: Everything You Need to Know

The transition in and out of daylight saving time can affect your sleep cycle and overall health. We cover DST details and sleep tips.

False Awakenings

Woman asleep during daylight hours

Updated May 8, 2024

False Awakenings

Have you ever woken up and gone about your day, and then woken up a second time and realized you were actually dreaming? Learn why false awakenings occur.

What Is a Siesta?

Woman napping during the day outside

Updated April 26, 2024

What Is a Siesta?

Considering an afternoon nap? Learn more about the origins and benefits of the siesta, and how to add one to your routine.

Understand Your Internal Clock Better Understand Your Internal Clock Better

Can’t Sleep? Learn Why

For decades, researchers have explored how sleep works and why we need it. What we know for sure is that a good night of sleep is irreplaceable. Forming healthy habits are the first steps to consistent, restful nights.

Learn More About Healthy Sleep Habits
A woman rubs her eyes while reading from an electronic device

People wake up during the night for a variety of reasons. Learn why you might be waking up and how to fall back asleep.

How to Fix Your Circadian Rhythm: 6 Easy Steps

Learn how to reset your circadian rhythms, including your sleep-wake schedule, through light exposure, exercise, strategic meal times, and more.

woman waking up in bed

Your sleep environment is crucial to getting quality rest. Learn how to take advantage of visual and practical design to create the ideal bedroom for sleep.

Man stretched out in bed

Are you waking up in pain? It could be your sleep position. Learn about the pros and cons of different positions, and find the best sleeping position for you.

Exercise Tips for Better Sleep

Should I Nap Right After My Workout?

Updated December 22, 2023

Should I Nap Right After My Workout?

Feeling sleepy after your workout? Learn about the links between naps, exercise, and sleep and consider the pros and cons of taking a nap after exercising.

Sleep, Athletic Performance, and Recovery

A Young boy asleep with Soccer ball

Updated December 13, 2023

Sleep, Athletic Performance, and Recovery

Time for recovery, rest, & sleep is an integral part of reaching peak athletic performance. Learn how sleep can help athletes in this guide.

Exercise and Sleep

Exercise and Sleep

Updated October 11, 2023

Exercise and Sleep

Sleep and exercise are closely intertwined. Learn how sleep can affect physical activity levels and vice versa.

The Link Between Fitness and Sleep The Link Between Fitness and Sleep

How What You Eat Affects Your Sleep

Woman holding warm milk

Updated May 9, 2024

Does Warm Milk Help You Sleep?

Studies suggest warm milk before bed may help you sleep better. Learn more about this and other habits to incorporate into your nightly routine.

Here’s Why You Get Sleepy After Eating

Two people eating a meal

Updated May 9, 2024

Here’s Why You Get Sleepy After Eating

Feeling sleepy after eating a meal is a common experience. Learn why post-meal drowsiness occurs and how to stay alert after eating.

Surprising Ways Hydration Affects Your Sleep

Surprising Ways Hydration Affects Your Sleep

Updated May 7, 2024

Surprising Ways Hydration Affects Your Sleep

Dehydration can lead to poor sleep, and poor sleep can often lead to dehydration. Learn how to stay hydrated at night and to avoid frequent bathroom visits.

How Diet and Sleep Are Connected How Diet and Sleep Are Connected

Understanding Your Sleep

Sleep is deeply connected to our physical, emotional, and mental health. Yet many of us face nightly disruptions to our sleep, increasing the risk of various medical problems. Prioritize identifying and treating sleep issues before they negatively affect your daily life.

Read More About Sleep Disorders
What Makes a Good Night’s Sleep

Proper sleep is an essential part of human functioning. Find out how much sleep you need, learn how to identify sleep problems, and get tips for better sleep.

A woman in a deep sleep

Deep sleep repairs muscles, strengthens the immune system, and leaves you refreshed in the morning. Learn how much deep sleep you need and how to get more.

A person is waking up with a clock beside them

Is waking up at the same time each night normal? Learn more about potential reasons you might wake up each night at the same time.

Woman in bed unable to sleep

Trying to find out why you have sleeping problems? Learn about the general causes of insomnia and how it can arise in the elderly, teens, and pregnant women.